Seek: On the Trail

Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.

James 1:2-3


On the trail is one of my favorite places to be.  There is nothing like the crunch of dirt under my boots, the smell of trees and moss, and the light streaming through the leaves.  I always feel close to God when I’m outside, away from the hustle and busyness that I feel most days working from home.  From the time our kids were very small, hiking has been a family affair for us.  

My youngest spent more hours than I could count from about six months old to age two. My husband would throw our older son in his hiking carrier and I would carry little brother, and we would hit the trail most weekends. Both kids were known to fall asleep in their hiking backpacks, and my husband and I each got to hike at whatever pace suited us (usually quickly).

But, as our older son got too heavy for the carrier and started walking more of the hikes on his own, we had to slow our pace. I found I actually enjoyed the toddler pace, with breaks to look at stumps or interesting rocks. We had to take more stops to rest, too (and enjoy more snacks). Gone were the days of 5+ mile hikes, but we found plenty of great ones under two miles to enjoy as a family.

We had to come up with things to keep our toddlers interested on hikes once they were no longer confined to their backpacks. We sang songs, had scavenger hunts, and made up games. We made promises of snacks at the next “check point” (which was actually just whatever bench or stump we decided was a good place to stop), and had a fun tradition of enjoying a special sweet or mini bottle of sparkling cider when we reached our destination.

Now that the kids are getting a bit older, we are starting to get back to a bit longer hikes. My four year old just did a 3.5 mile hike all on his own two feet, and without whining once that he was tired. What a victory! It’s fun to wander the trail and see his joy at every caterpillar and interestingly shaped stump. The boys each have a pair of binoculars and make frequent stops to peer at things through them.

They see things differently, like how they view obstacles on the trail. Rather than be annoyed by a tree blocking the road, they are excited for an opportunity to climb over it. What if we could view life’s obstacles the same way? To consider it pure joy, whenever we seek trials of any kind (James 1:2)? If we do, we can rest and know that every step upward and over an obstacle is building our strength and endurance so we can enjoy the beautiful path God has put us on.

May you Seek + Sojourn more,

Teddi Jo


Seek: In the Fall


Seek: In the Wind