Seek: In the Waves
The disciples were amazed. “Who is this man?” they asked. “Even the winds and waves obey him!” Matthew 8:27 NLT
On a cool, cloudy day on Pacific Beach, my husband decided to give surfing a try. He’d wanted to for sometime and when we found ourselves with a free morning at the end of a work trip in San Diego, it seemed like the perfect idea. Don’t mind that it was only about fifty degrees outside, and who even knows how cold that means the water is, he was determined. The day before, I opted to join him when asked, but waking up that cold grey morning I felt better suited to follow along as a spectator and on stand by to make an emergency call should something go terribly wrong.
As John and a few friends donned their wetsuits and listened to a fifteen minute talk from the instructor about how to navigate the potential stingray interactions and rip currents, I became more and more confident in my choice to watch safely from the beach. The instructor quickly taught them about how to safely approach the waves and manage their equipment, and without further ado they waded into the frigid water.
For the hour they were all in the water, doing their best to get the hang of things, I was amazed at the ferocity of what had seemed like small waves from the shore. Everyone struggled to get up but as time went on their successful attempts got closer and closer together. Even when they were getting thrashed by waves or thrown under the current, each one managed to keep popping up with a big grin on their face.
We can learn a lot from time spent with unruly waves but two things stuck with me after observing the events of the day. First, you have to approach the waves head on and in the exact right direction. Pointing yourself just the smallest amount off track can have such dramatic consequences. Before you know it, a wave will pick up your board and toss it like it’s nothing. Lose focus for too long and you’ve drifted farther than you realized you could.
The second lesson to be learned from the waves is that they are constant. Without fail, more waves are coming. You don’t know how often or the magnitude, but you can be certain that they are coming, so you’d better be prepared. Don’t lose sight of the task at hand unless you want to be tossed around. Now, you know I’m not just talking about the waves. Walk each day with precise focus and the knowledge that at any moment, we could be knocked off our feet.
But, my friends, the good news is that we have the opportunity to intimately know the one who creates the wind and the waves. Who can protect us from the storm, and who can calm the waves with just a word. When we ask Jesus to guide us along the waves of life, we can learn to ride each one with a joy others won’t understand and a comfort from a God who commands them.
Would you rather ride the waves on your own, being thrashed about? Or lean into the one who can show us the joy to be found in riding them?
May you Seek + Sojourn more,
Teddi Jo